
Slidie is a slide preparation system which makes illustrations easy and bullet points hard.

Slidie converts a directory full of Inkscape SVGs into a slide show to accompany a presentation.

Guided tour

To get a brief overview of how to get started with Slidie, see the Slidie guided tour:

Reference manual

The following documentation describes each of Slidie’s features in detail.

Output formats

Slidie supports rendering slide shows as XHTML, PDF and PNG formats, albeit with slightly different sets of supported features beyond the core functionality.

File numbering

Slidie orders SVG files in a directory based on numbers at the start of their filename. Slidie also provides the slidie-mv command for conveniently renumbering SVG files to reorganise slides in a show.

Slide builds

Slides can be built up step-by-step by showing (or hiding) groups Inkscape layers. Slidie provides syntax for defining builds using special annotations in layer names.

Speaker notes

Speaker notes can be embedded within a slide using <text> elements whose contents begin with ###. These notes may be written in markdown and can also be associated with specific build steps.

Magic text

Slidie provides a convenient mechanism for embedding non-SVG-native content such as videos and iframes, as well as certain metadata, based on ‘magic’ text boxes. Magic text boxes are ordinary text boxes whose contents begin with @@@ and contain TOML data.